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October 18, 2007 / Dusty

marijuana environmental post

Environmentally speaking, Industrial Hemp could revitalize (bye bye farming subsidies- no need) american farmers AND our industrial base in every conceivable sector. a two fer. And, its a crop that is kind to the earth; easy to grow , and grows in all climates. Industrial Hemp has something like .003 THC in it. It’s as different as day and night from the herbal varieties of Sativa and Indica. Both are plants and truly one of earths most precious gifts to us through the ages (heck whole cars/homes/clothing/oils/foods.. on and on, can be made from hemp). On a personal note, MJ as a medicinal plant has saved my life. One of its greatest properties- the ability to individually titrate the dose exactingly to a “T, oke” or puff. Refraining from ingestion when none is desired/wanted or needed is remarkably easy (its not physically addicting at all- though wishing you had some when you don’t is compelling). It is not as easy as calling the pharmacy for a refill of any other pharmaceutal one might be prescribed, but unlike most of our utilized prescriptions, you won’t die IF you miss a dose or two.

It’s truly amazing what a safe medication/ good medicine it can be ( although NOT a single MEDICATION in the world, IS RIGHT FOR EVERYONE). Marijuana’s side effects vary, but most are actually positive/ harmless physically and mentally for most people who find it helpful- And we benefit health wise from it. We experience relief from many conditions – (quite a spectrum actually). It beats the drugs that fall under the ” if you find yourself suddenly losing your vision call your doctor” variety. Sheesh those cavalier recitations of the god awful side of effects of medicines we see direct marketed to us on the tee vee- ‘Hey sudden death , stroke, no biggie….(what are they smokin ?) and this stuff is good for us – call our doctors now and ask about the little purple pill…reach your doctor , by phone’ what are they smoking ?

No one ever died from an overdose of marijuana , weed, pot, ghanga , reefer, mota, and all the medical studies supporting its efficacy and safety are heavily suppressed. The government lies and propaganda are reasons i believe many people have exacerbated paranoia or anxiety at times, as a more profound side effect then it actually can be if it does occur, but the reality is that when MJ’s negitive effects outweigh the benefits for the user on a individual level , ..not using it is easy and non life theatening. The effects are mild. The same certainly cannot be said of the Vicodin (in substantial doses 5-6 tabs a day ) taken legally, and all persons have a unique physiological and psychological make up – hence all medications effect all persons differently.

Mary Jane has a governmental trumped up, propagandized, and undeserved bad rep. It should absolutely be decriminalized- legalized. It is sooo much safer than alcohol. h/t to Two Crows for Marijuana Monday meme. End the drug war. It will create a better social environment for all of us.

Free the prisoners and free the weed!

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  1. Dizzy Dezzi / Oct 19 2007 6:56 am

    I have given about half a dozen public speeches about the benefits that marijuana could have in our communities and our lives (not just the psychological/physiological ones).

    Ending the war on drugs would have a lot of untol benefits, too.

    You hit the nail on the head (and like I commented on a previous post), because the government says it’s bad, average Americans cannot see beyond the propaganda and realize that they are being duped into thinking that all drugs are bad, thus they keep supporting the war on drugs.

    It’s no wonder so many people believe in government conspiracy theories. If the government would lie about something so “petty” as “the dangers of teh reefer”, what else are they lying about? (Kind of like kids who stop trusting their parents once they realize that their folks have been using Santa as leverage to make them behave).

    BTW…my kids are very well aware that there is no Santa, Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny (except in fiction). đŸ™‚

  2. ProudProgressive / Oct 19 2007 11:42 am

    Dez, good on ya gal ! That takes guts. On my blog i got a youtube that goes with this post.. And so much of the bottom line is about the propanda and social conditioning. I have the recording of the poor cop who thought he and his wife were dying of a quater once in a batch of brownies that the ate. Man – it was probably just a gut ache. The call, the youtube is essential to under standing this post. and there is a link to ending the drug war. anyhooo good on you, takes guts really – and they the american gov. really wants us to fear , this precious crop.

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