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October 6, 2007 / Dusty

Gay Lib 101

We have always been a community of outsiders. It is all about gender bending or transgressing gender norms. We are not like straight people IN THEIR MINDS and we never will be. We are completely normal. We are not making a choice to be Gay Lesbian Bi or TG. TG is an umbrella term that encompasses everything from a woman wearing pants to a transsexual. We have a long history, with many points in time where political and social theory raised our conscienceness.’ (i.e. women still do not make as much money as men)

WE are in every country , every race, every socio economic demographic and of every political persuasion. The only choice we make is to affirm our true nature’s and hopefully positively embrace our “political” indentities so that the world may see us OUT and living, and not just blindly hate and fear Homophobia. out of fear of the “other.”

Studies have found that when someone knows they know a gay person they are less likely to be as willfully ignorant or hateful as they might have been ,if they thought they knew no gay people at all.

We can have inclusive legislation that could and should actually include heterosexual non conformers i.e. people in common law marriages or cross dressers,fetishers, which is a large group of people; those whose are not even homosexually oriented, but are not Ozzie and Harriet either. We are a loving,inclusive community. Nowadays…we got most of our seperatism out of our system in the 70s. It has had no place in our political movement since death visited “seemingly” only us, the 80s. anyhooo…

UNITED we stand , divided we fall. If we do not hang together we will surely hang seperately. We require our full and complete equal constitutional rights, insist , take our rights – the Roy Cohn type Washington Insiders will never give an inch they benefit regardless of party affiliation when our community is exploited. We who care, must be intransigent. Maybe that is part of the T too. And ENDA without the T is not acceptable – we are like a table..we got four letters (legs) WE are the LGBT movement. WE will leave none out of any legislation. It saddens me that the Mathew Sheppard Act had to be attached to war funding..but i blame the haters. WE are here we are Queer – get used to ? No pretty please can i have my rights for some of my community..NO NEVER ! We will never get ahead by leaving some behind in any legislation.

See the HBO film Angels in America for a refresher course, but remember there was a time before HIV.(and besides Justin Kirk is beyond handsome and Pacino as Roy Cohn is amazing, all we need to know about Washington closet cases and insider politics – see it)
Learn LGBT history people. Its fascinating really. Read some Gender theory or talk to someone about it. It was not always an HIV movement. And our Pride Parades are NOT parties they are and were always meant to be POLITICAL DEMONSTRATIONS of Unity of Pride and Political thearter vs Shame. It is not the 60’s anymore, and its not about how well we can pass as straight..nowadays that is looked at as oppression. And Our TG and non passing community members have always taken the brunt of the hatred.

love one another possums ! and BE SAFE.

. .. thanks i had to get that off my chest. IN solidarity – PP

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  1. Jim / Oct 6 2007 4:23 pm

    What the hell is normal anyway? If someone isn’t bothering you why the hell should anyone care what anyone else does. I have to laugh too. Ahmadinejad said there are no gays in Iran. Makes you wonder what they did with them.

  2. ProudProgressive / Oct 6 2007 4:54 pm

    That is the big question , what is normal ..we have the normal curve in science and stats..I would suggest that Ozzie and Harriet in missionary position are the odd balls in the human realm of sexuality. Normal in our culture is pure propaganda and that history goes way back…i recently saw a documentary on vintage porn..newsflash people were just as outrageous then as now !!! i was frankly a bit surprized but there it was in black and white..Kinky stuff oh yeah baby..its always been in the human behavior reportoire..look at the Kinsey report.(see that film too if you missed it)
    Normal..none of us are normal. Our culture is lacking love. Humans are loving creatures adn we live in a schizo society that preaches compassion and peddles HATE. Its crazy making really.

    Now i will go out on a limb..a bit. Love between two humans is relational feeling, affection, sexual, emotional, of course at times physical. Healthy relationships have certain qualities..Respect, understanding, empathy, non abusiveness, mutual empowerment, Its not who you love – its how you love that makes any kind of Love healthy. And look at how we through the word “love” around. My god, the eskimos have what 20 something words for snow..and we here use one word,for so many types of relationships. It makes our culture more shallow. s’ok. We have made progress, in the last 40 yrs. There is much more education and understanding to go..thats why the dims heartened me when at the last debate most if not all said “of course the children must learn that adults have all kinds of love relationships.there are kids with two moms or dads. When a person asks me, and i often encourage this – in the strangest places.but i digress, Why are you gay ?(lesbian) I say because GOD made me this way. And you know what ? I do believe the LGBT community is a gift to the world,just like marijuana. WE are as natural as weeds and are everywhere. We are everywhere.
    some cannot see us ONLY because of what is called the “heterosexual assumption” In time this will change. And ultimately it ought to be the content of one’s character and how they love that they are judged by – not who their chemistry mandates they love. And for those with any doubts – one’s sexual orientation is as inborn as the color of your eyes..and none of us have any say in that. I have studied this.

    And it heartens me to have so much solidarity with those of heterosexual orientation – you guys can’t help that either,and you did not chose it..its just your biology. (and of course pediphilia which is actually statistically mostly a heterosexual phenon. is a perversion of power and character. I am talking strictly about sex with consenting adults.

    and yeah people are dying in other countries and here(but for different reasons) simply for being gay. They are being stoned , lashed, executed, imprisoned.

    People our LGBT youth are dying from the cultural socially acceptable and politically empowered hatred unleashed by the fundies. They are dying because of abstinance only teaching.

    They are dying because they were born in the 80’s at the height of the HIV crisis. Which is not over..and learned that sex can kill you..not a recipe for healthy ajustment at all. They are dying from a lack of role models and our proud history of the many contributions of homosexuals to world culture. They need to see and learn about all the and activists,past and present, learn sex education from qualified teachers They are dying because they are told they are sinful. They are dying of loneliness and drug addiction due to being shunned in their high schools. i.e. the bullying or the slur “that is so gay” as a derogatory for almost anything. “Love is in need of Love today” thats for sure. They are dying from our cultures willful ignorance and hate fest.

    The idea that exposing kids to the differences in people would “turn them gay” is just ludicris. No one can force themselves it is inborn. Kids experiment and heaven knows gay straight whatever…nowadays to not teach safe sex and have condems criminal.

    …ok obviously i could go on..and on…but i will save it for another time. All i know is at 50, childless, i often feel i love other people’s kids more than they do and i am not even a “kid person”

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